Genie Plus - Experiences and Reviews

I have not had an issue on Android. There was just an app update and that might have caused the problem if you hadn't yet updated. Sometimes the updates don't automatically push or happen immediately if you don't manually force it.
Thanks. I did uninstall and reinstall the app trying to figure it out. At least it worked on DH's phone. And we didn't need to modify too much.
We hadn't been to DL/DCA in ages, and had a great visit overall.
I was at Disneyland week before last for three days and bought genie+ each day. I was a big fan of Fast Pass at WDW but have never used genie+ at WDW. However, I'd read that the service is much easier to use at DLR so I gave it a shot. Although I probably could have seen and ridden everything I wanted without genie+, it did make things easier and definitely reduced wait times. I was there for rope drop each morning, and SoCal being what it is, I did mostly standbys for the first few hours since the parks were not super crowded. However, I did book LLs immediately on arrival and just kept modifying the schedules to later in the day so i could continue to take advantage of the low standby times in the morning. The LLs did come in handy as the day wore on and the crowds got thicker. Even then, I continued to sprinkle in standbys, especially for the non-top-tier attractions. I basically spent two days at DLR and one at DCA, rode pretty much everything I wanted using a combination of rope drop, LLs and standbys. I think the longest I waited for something, on standby, was 35 minutes, and it was an attraction without a LL. My first ever trip to Disneyland and it was a great visit.


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